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What My Clients Say

Client Stories in their own Words

When undertaking the kind of healing therapies that we offer, it is really important that you know that you are in the hands of a skilled practioner who has you personal needs at heart and knows how to help you to your goals. Many of our clients have kindly written about us and we are so glad to be able to show you just some of their stories.


Where do I even begin to thank Kerry for all she has done for my fiancé & I. 


I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and had been struggling with highly irregular periods from early teens. We had been trying for a baby for over 4 years and had gone through a gruelling 18 months with the fertility clinic; with umpteen cancelled/postponed appointments for 3+ months each time, various attempts with Clomid and an operation called Ovarian drilling. Our only option left was IVF. 


After friends being diagnosed with PCOS but being told they could not have help until they had been trying to conceive for a year, they sought help from Kerry. After just a few sessions with Kerry they were successful in conceiving so highly recommended I gave it a shot. 


I was very sceptical at the start as I could not understand how a massage of my stomach would help, however I went along and met with Kerry. 


On my first meeting she really put me at ease due to me feeling rather anxious. Kerry went through my history and food diary to identify where I could make lifestyle changes that may help. She provided much needed advise on small diet changes and explained so much about my condition that I did not know. Kerry explained with PCOS and the irregular cycles, quite often old blood would build up within the womb. Kerry adapted her massage style to clear this out which was successful. 

The advise and reassurance received from Kerry is second to none and she shared a great deal of knowledge with me that I had never received from the fertility clinic/researching online. After 4 treatments I had to cancel my 5th appointment due to morning sickness as we had fallen pregnant with our baby boy.


Kerry really does have magic hands and she is passionate about helping ladies who are struggling. I highly recommend anyone having trouble conceiving speaks with Kerry before going down the medical route.


Thank you for giving us the greatest gift, Kerry. You truly are amazing! xxxx

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My husband & I had tried for a baby for years without any natural success, we were fortunate to be put forward for IVF & completed one round back in October 2013 where we were delighted to fall pregnant. Unfortunately our happiness wasn't to last as I miscarried at 7 weeks. After picking ourselves back up & taking time to get my body fit again we decided to try a year later. Anyone who's travelled on the same journey we have will know you need to be emotionally ready.


I thought I was ready both physically by losing weight going to the gym etc & mentally but actually if I'm honest I was not ready at all, I was just plain scared!! A friend of mine suggested going to see Kerry for fertility massages before starting the IVF Road & I am so glad I did because I believe it was thanks to Kerry that she not only got my mind ready giving me the confidence to believe in myself & my body.


Kerry also got my womb ready with her relaxing massages. I never thought that happy mind would mean happy body & in our case a happy womb creating a happy place for the egg to grow. I truly believe that it's thanks to Kerry's help that not only did we produce 3 strong Eggs which all got to blastocyst, that we were able to have 2 frozen but that the one we had put in me developed into our beautiful strong baby boy, Zac, who is 5 months old & our absolute world.


Thank you Kerry for all that you do, anyone having trouble trying to conceive whether it be natural or with help should see Kerry she has an amazing gift & is a wonderful lady. Not only are her massages relaxing, when you leave you feel different, in that your womb feels more & more ready which each session which in turn gives you the confidence to say I believe we can do this.


Kerry you are amazing & thank you always from Graham, Michelle & Zachary  xxx


I don't think a mere "thank you" is enough for what Kerry has done for my Husband and I.

I have stage 4 endometriosis and we had been trying for a baby for over 3 years. Endometriosis affects up to 1 in 10 women but is often misdiagnosed up to 8 times by GP's.

I have cysts on my ovaries, the back of my womb is stuck to my bowel, I'd had to have my Fallopian tube removed as it was blocked by the endometriosis tissue, and I have other adhesions around the area. My chances of conceiving naturally were pretty non existent.

We were about to start IVF and started the initial consultations, ready to start in December 2015. We had to have one month clear of trying so our last chance to try to conceive naturally was in October. Even though I was skeptical, I decided to try Kerry's fertility massage 3 days before I was due to ovulate in October.

She gave me tips on changes to diet that would help my endometriosis and also helped to break down scar tissue from my operations as well as concentrating on the affected area.

I booked in for a second session which would coincide with the start of our IVF treatment. But I didn't need that appointment!

Kerry's magic hands worked first time and now we are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl who is perfect in every way.

Thank you Kerry. You are truly an amazing woman. Victoria xxx


Hi Kerry, I want to share my story as you know u changed my life. My husband and I started trying for a baby 4 years ago and very quickly got pregnant but unfortunately turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy! Within 24 hours I was back home with one Fallopian tube and no pregnancy!


We started IVF treatment 6 months later but after 2 years and 3 failed goes we gave up! I started a new job and met Kerry in these circumstances and gradually kerry talked about what she did. I was sceptical at first as we had tried everything.


On April 2015 I had my first session with Kerry and loved it. She gave me back hope and that fight I had wanting a family. She made me feel at ease and I enjoyed the sessions with her. Within 5 months I was pregnant!! We now have a beautiful baby girl who completed us in every way. Kerry literally changed my life and gave us our family we had so desperately wanted! Thank you is too small a word to say to Kerry and there is no action or words to show Kerry how much she means to us. She was and is that one ray of sunshine in my life 😘❤️. Xxxxx


I don't think a mere "thank you" is enough for what Kerry has done for my Husband and I.

I have stage 4 endometriosis and we had been trying for a baby for over 3 years. Endometriosis affects up to 1 in 10 women but is often misdiagnosed up to 8 times by GP's.

I have cysts on my ovaries, the back of my womb is stuck to my bowel, I'd had to have my Fallopian tube removed as it was blocked by the endometriosis tissue, and I have other adhesions around the area. My chances of conceiving naturally were pretty non existent.

We were about to start IVF and started the initial consultations, ready to start in December 2015. We had to have one month clear of trying so our last chance to try to conceive naturally was in October. Even though I was skeptical, I decided to try Kerry's fertility massage 3 days before I was due to ovulate in October.

She gave me tips on changes to diet that would help my endometriosis and also helped to break down scar tissue from my operations as well as concentrating on the affected area.

I booked in for a second session which would coincide with the start of our IVF treatment. But I didn't need that appointment!

Kerry's magic hands worked first time and now we are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl who is perfect in every way.

Thank you Kerry. You are truly an amazing woman. Victoria xxx


After our son was Stillborn in April 2013 my partner and I decided we would try for another straight away. After 6 months with no period and not being pregnant I decided I had to do something about it . I went to the Drs for blood tests to check my hormone levels which all came back fine . What else could I do?


I then heard of you and all the amazing reviews you have . So that was it I would give fertility massage a go . After just 2 massages my period arrived . I was abit sceptical to if it would actually work but this proved that something was working . I think in total I had about 5 or 6 massages between December 2013 & June 2014 . You wasn't just someone I came to for a massage , you became a friend , a listening ear , a shoulder to cry on (and I done that many times).


After weeks of not feeling right I decided I would finally take a pregnancy test. So on Friday the 27th June 2014 I took that test at first I thought it was negative as it was a late afternoon test so decided I would re test in the morning , Saturday morning came and I re tested again no obvious positive line but then I looked again & there it was the second line .

I now have my beautiful 7 month old little girl who I have no one but you to thank for . You made our dreams come true . We cannot thank you enough .  Xx


Clinic located in Tenterden, Kent, UK

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Lifestyle Health Therapy Ltd. No. 13961557

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