Period Managment
Period Managment
Periods are the portion of the menstrual cycle where the womb sheds it's lining in order for the body to refresh itself in preparation for the release of an egg in the following parts of the cycle.
It isn't as simple as just this process however, and a complex flurry of hormones accompany the changes in the stages of the cycle, all of which can cause some debilitating conditions.
With a clear plan of approach and paying close attention to your body, Kerry is able to coach you to reduce or even eliminate your symptoms.
Kerry will address problems such as:
Irregular Cycles
Painful Periods
Mood Changes
Tender Breasts
Digestive Complaints liked to Menstrual Cycle
These will be addressed by assessing the client's medical history, lifestyle, nutrition, exercise regime, blood results and hormones and then implementing a holistic protocol to improve in all of these areas.